Monday, 22 December 2008
Young buck
So I'm claiming this week, especially because its the week for Christmas, for some much needed time too myself although i have been filling it with msn....that's a dirty habit i must try and kick DESPERATLY. Yesterday i went food shopping with my parents for Christmas, i kind of regretted it as soon as we got into the car park, It was packed! Everyone inside was so stressed...go figure but i thought it was pretty funny some woman was shouting "IF YOU LEAVE ME WITH THE LIST HOW WILL YOU KNOW WHAT TO GET?" i don't understand why you would get stressed over shopping for food like that. £200 and something or other later the house was so filled with so much food there was no room too put things. I'm in snacky heaven.
Too try and stem my urdges too 'go online' i went into the city (The center of Mk) today to pick up latest issue of ICON and guess what, they didn't have it anywhere. So instead i settled for this:
Actually this was not a settlement at all, i had been keeping an eye out for this magazine for a while now after discovering the buckstyle website. Ive only really flicked through it so far, but at a glance it looks like i have discovered a male orientated version of Frankie...that's, wait for it...PRODUCED IN THE UK. Maybe i will try to get an internship there....hmmm hmmmm interesting.
Today i also bought a book from the 'Radical thinkers' series called "Aesthetics and politics"...this is in line with my recent information binge. Its all Derrida's fault, damn him! I also found 3 essays online through Athens, an account linked with my university's library for finding journals and other similar things. 2 are based on space and the other is based on the creation of the walker art gallery in Liverpool, should be interesting...well i presume my head will hurt after 2 paragraphs but i owe it too myself too learn.
Saturday, 6 December 2008
Breaking it down very literally i have to fit a stair and a ramp into a 20x20m space. The space isn't big enough to fit a ramp in because of the radiant ratio so, you have to be inventive on how both pieces fit into the space individually and on there own. There are some other rules, the stair and the ramp must cross at least once so someone using the ramp could decide to use the stairs or visa versa.
My first few ideas were all very boring and predictable and because this was a 2 week project i didn't want to get stuck in a rut generating ideas even though its pretty fun. My favourite idea was one with stairs similar to the acropolis or the pyramids but i just couldn't figure out how to fit the stair and the ramp together or how they would cross over. As well as this i thought about ideas of playing around with illusions of perspective, creating a tapered corridor to make it appear twice its length therefore making an already huge space seem even larger in size. Unfortunately the space wasn't big enough to do that so i went back to the acropolis idea.
In the mid project crit Drew pointed out that the ramp seemed too separate from the stairs and kind of peripheral too the whole design. He wanted me too improve my layout and combine the stair and the ramp more, i thought the easiest way to do this would be to combine the stair and ramp completely (just like the acropolis). As well as this think about the layout of the stairs is it possible to put more than one landing into the flight?

Wednesday, 3 December 2008
Cutting it fine
One thing it did make me remember is my fascination with biology, probably going back to my high school days. Watching a wound heal is so interesting, the different stages it goes through. New skin, old skin. I only wish that i wasn't so squimish and organs/muscles didnt make me feel so dizzy. My hand modeling dreams are ruined! haha
Monday, 10 November 2008
November chill
Since the last post a whole bunch of things have happened (as usual).
One of the most interesting developments would have to be the developments within the magazine that me and my flat mates have been putting together.

The idea of Mammogram was to create a platform for discussion within the art school for students,staff and anyone with any relation too the art school to voice there opinions on anything (within reason). We also wanted the magazine to enhance the feeling of community within the art school that is unique and, i think anyway, worth preserving. So all content is submitted by students of the art school
Here Is the first exhibition review i wrote with Zephyr:
" Haptic: Design exhibition review (Twinkle splashy wow)
Within every issue of Mammogram this section will cover current design exhibitions in and around
The space plays host too work Commissioned by Kenya Hara, the chief executive of Muji and the
The highlight of the show is Kenya Hara’s ‘Shishi Odoshi’. Water fills a glass receptacle and then with a chime it runs down a white board to then be dispersed by small nodules making the water appear to roll instead of flow, as if you could touch it. Another fantastic work was that of Naoto Fukasawa who has made drinks cartons out of replica fruit skin that suggest the contents. The original is copied so closely that the designer went so far as to create tiny replica seeds for the skin of the strawberry carton.
Throughout the whole exhibition its only downside was its sparsely placed lighting that distracted from the work itself, which should of commanded the space instead of sinking into the background. Although this is just one small fault greatly overshadowed by the quality of work displayed. If you are looking for inspiration we recommend this exhibition for any student of any year of the art school.
The exhibition is open till the 29th of September and costs £1.50 for students during the week but is free on Saturdays"
Design study wise i have been given a project where i had to design the interior for a cube house within a set of strict rules (which i later found out weren't so strict) and have been getting tutelage on the CAD programme will be using for the next 3 years of my life called Vectorworks. Im getting to grips with it pretty easy, probably because of my previous experience with CAD software...although i have such a long way to go to get to the level of work that i want to be producing.
Anyway, this is quite a long project so we had a couple of crits in the first few weeks too make sure that we were on the right track only...for my last crit it didn't exactly go as i wanted it. But i suppose i should take it as a learning curve and work harder to produce work that is more 'polished' and works...practically as well as aesthetically. I wanted to create an interior that could express the potential for sculptural and inspirational arrangement of space within such a rigid structure although it seems that that is not what this project is about. As a result i have to rejig my floor plan and lose a little of that dynamism....i feel a little relation to Le corbusiers tyrannical aesthetic obsession
Friday, 26 September 2008
Images cont.
"Does this mean that your design style/taste hasn't changed over the last 2 years?"
I don't know if he meant to make me think harder about my choices or weather he just wanted a set of brand new images too capture my most recent inspirational sources but whatever he wanted he did cause me too worry a little about hanging onto old inspirational material. Is it a bad thing to hang onto images that inspired me 2 years ago? To be honest i think the main reason is that those pictures appeared in a magazine and at the moment all of my inspiration is through either books or the Internet as i can't afford too buy magazines (no matter how much i want to be able too). And so today i have spent some time in the studio going through some names that i had collected in the back of my moleskin in an attempt to find new interiors that inspire me.
I came across this interior by topotek 1, I love its playfulness and its interactiveness.

Isay weinfeld designed this amazing book shop in Sao Paolo, Brazil. It surely must contain over 3000 books crammed into every available space...but my main attraction to this particular building was the entrance where she made use of bookcases and implemented as innovative doors.

The third interior is an exhibition design by Herman Verkerk, the Arnhem mode fashion biennial in ... This show is arranged every two years specifically for showing state of the art fashion on an international scale whilst highlight socio-cultural aspects.

Nendo Design made this interesting exhibition piece in 2007 showing some of their works in an unusual way. They wanted to challenge the viewers sense of perspective and how you would normally consider objects.

Miffy is the star of the last image that i found, this flagship store (the first dedicated Miffy store in the world) was designed by UXUS design...i love how the designer captured the brand of the product perfectly but then i found out they also designed packaging for Macy D's and i was reminded of a conversation me and my friends had recently.

Tuesday, 23 September 2008
5 images
The first image was of a space made by an artist called Angela (found in an issue of Elle decoration) i tried to analyze what i liked about the space and broke it down into these points:
- Evidence of previous use
- Simplicity (minimalism)
- Organic forms and materials
- Neutral colour schemes
- Eclectic furnishings
- subdued lighting (not sure if that is the right word)

- Decadence
- Historic Base
- Symmetry and Harmony
- Unusual colour scheme
- Attention to detail
- Morbid detailing
- Eclecticism
- Vintage furniture/textiles
- concrete floors
- texture
- simple lighting
- beautiful things
- magazines and books everywhere
- eclecticism
- quirkiness/originality

- Decadence
- Confusion
- Mirrors
- Originality
- surrealism
- Parody
- Humour
Monday, 22 September 2008
Back to school
So to begin with i woke up around 7:30 full of beans, i had the best nights sleep Ive had in a while which for the first day of term couldn't be better. I ended up having too get the tube into uni because somehow i have lost the key for my bike....its locked up inside our stairwell but i have no idea how too remove it, anyone have any ideas? Anyway i met up with a couple of people from my class outside the Macintosh building and ventured upstairs into the studio that i will be spending the last 3 years of my education at the art school. On the door of the studio there was a sign that read '2nd year students meeting at 10:00' so with time to kill i went to get a coffee and chatted too everyone about summer.
Around 10 the meeting began, Drew (the head of interiors at the GSA) went through a few things with us, how time in the studio would be spent, what sort of projects we would be doing throughout this year and what we should be thinking about as trainee designers. He talked about so much i found myself day dreaming about what i wanted too make when i got back home...i feel filled to the brim with creative juices. But the jist of what he was saying, well what i got, was that this year....or at least this term is all about defining my own design style and highlighting areas that i do well and other ones that i need too improve on. We were also given a first project too complete for next Tuesday, which in my opinion is maybe a little too much time for the content of the project, unless i have overlooked some big point?
Basically we have too collect 5 images of interior spaces that 'excite' us and then talk about why we like them for one minute each. I already have a rough idea of at least 2 images that i would like too choose for this project...but as for the other few im sure i could scour my bookmarks/magazines for some images that i like the look of. So far i have decided on a design by Masamichi Katayama as well as some general residential designs and a h.naoto kind of overloaded on interiors now so i will wait till tomorrow to write more.
Monday, 18 August 2008
Design Future
Just before i moved up to Glasgow i read a small ad on Gumtree about the opportunity to freelance for a new magazine for Interiors, Architecture and design. I don't really know much about the company at all only that they are called Van Kampen Media and that they are trying to fill a void that they believe exists in the market, and i have to agree with them that it does. I e-mailed them and a lovely lady called Sinead got back to me within the hour expressing there eagerness to have me write for there magazine, i was very flattered and will be writing my first article for them this week. Although i can't tell you anything about it until the magazine has been published (which should be late September) i can say i may possibly be interviewing a designer which is very exciting.
As well as this Me, Heather and some fellow students have begun work on a magazine made for and by the students of the art school. The most important article for me in this particular issue is one about the re-development of the art school campus, and helping to involve students with this process. As well as this i will be working with Textiles student, Zephyr, on the design exhibition review section of this copy. The magazine itself will be in print mid September if everything goes to plan.
Last week we had a small party after going to a club called Buff. Its safe to say we broke the flat in.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Time machine week
The move itself was very interesting, the place that my Dad was hiring a van from didn't have the one he had booked so he instead was given a replacement vechile the size of a small truck with a broken wing mirror and no radio. 7 hours later we arrived in Glasgow...for a moment i couldn't get my bearings but once we got onto Great western road i knew where i was going. When we were coming up to Glasgow i was bursting with excitement, i couldn't sit still and all i wanted to do was say "Yaaaaay!"
Heather and her Boyfriend Alex were at the Flat to greet us, we were exhausted from traveling and they made us a lovely cup of tea before we started to move my things into the flat. It took just over one hour of sheer physical labour to move everything up into the living room and the thought of having to move all of my things from the other flat made me feel a little sick.
So many things have happened since the move ill be updating with new things throughout the week.
Friday, 8 August 2008
Sparodic updates from now on
Ive been reading more and more about fashion designer Aitor Throup. Its kind of weird how all of a sudden he is appearing in Blogs around the web only now. His work is great. I have alot of respect for someone who can push boundries like he does.

His work first caught my eye in (if my memory serves me right) an issue of Dazed and Confused where the interpritation of the above drawing was snapped on the cat walk. But i could be completely wrong all i know is i remember his work before all of this hype. I had never seen his illustrations before and i think they are amazing, i wish my drawing style was more like this...he creates characters rather an concepts...he talks about this a bit more in this interview i found.
Its the first time in a while where i have acctually thought about taking out a loan specifically to buy one of his pieces...or playing the lottery constantly, but i guess taking the loan would be the quicker and maybe easyer option. Anyway, the coat in question is this one-

Isn't it awsome? An instant costume for short notice or just a talking point. I can't imagine how much skill must of gone into making like to say i would have a go at making one for myself but i doubt it would ever reach that standard. I guess i should get practicing on my sewing machine.
Today i have been packing and moving heavy boxes full of books and other interesting things from the loft into the living room ready for the van my parents are driving up its taken such a long time but to me i have to do it proparly or i will end up having to spend alot of time unpacking when i get to glasgow.
Im so surprised at all the things i have managed to collect over the years (Im bringing up most of my belongings to Glasgow) i hope i can find space for all of the things i have decided to bring.
Saturday, 2 August 2008
So the content of this Blog is going to change this year, i have decided not to edit my life so much for the benefit of the people that read this (no matter how few that is) so that there is a more 'real' portrayal of what it is like to be a student. This will take effect immediately. I'll post in a few days once i get my head into gear after working on my CV.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
Ezekiel connected them dry bones
Ezekiel connected them dry bones
Ezekiel connected them dry bones
Now hear the word of the Lord.
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones
Gonna hear the word of the Lord.
Your toe bone connected to your foot bone
Your foot bone connected to your ankle bone
Your ankle bone connected to your leg bone
Your leg bone connected to your knee bone
Your knee bone connected to your thigh bone
Your thigh bone connected to your hip bone
Your hip bone connected to your back bone
Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone
Your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone
Your neck bone connected to your head bone
I hear the word of the Lord.
Them bones, them bones gonna walk around
Them bones, them bones gonna walk around
Them bones, them bones gonna walk around
I hear the word of the Lord.
Disconnect them bones, them dry bones
Disconnect them bones, them dry bones
Disconnect them bones, them dry bones
Now hear the word of the Lord.
Your head bone connected from your neck bone
Your neck bone connected from your shoulder bone
Your shoulder bone connected from your back bone
Your back bone connected from your hip bone
Your hip bone connected from your thigh bone
Your thigh bone connected from your knee bone
Your knee bone connected from your leg bone
Your leg bone connected from your ankle bone
Your ankle bone connected from your foot bone
Your foot bone connected from your toe bone
I hear the word of the Lord
I hear the word of the Lord.

Im such a boney person, creeps me out some times.
By the by im not religious.
Wednesday, 16 July 2008
Worthless update
Other than that i had a really fun time in London and for the first time i actually came without the lingering resentment that i usually get when i visit that city. I think maybe i have grown up enough to stay there and meeting people who do definatly helps with that...i enjoyed it enough to think about
moving to London After i Graduate and that is certainly where alot of the jobs are.

That is all.
Sunday, 6 July 2008
Im a Robot and thats not ok
Other than watching that film i have been trying to fill out a passport form for my trip for Canada, i don't know what it is about official documents but i just can't seem to get them right....i am on my 3rd form at the moment and the frustration of that just makes me make more mistakes! Hopefully this time will be the last so that i can fill the form in tomorrow and get it posted away, just in time for the holiday i hope!
Todays designer is actually an artist! Confused? Well personally i can get inspiration from any kind of creative output if its photography, Fashion, Art, film etc. And i think its important to remain open to different sources of inspiration throughout my education and afterwords in my career. So Today's 'inspiration' takes the form of Geraldine Pilgrim. She acts as the Artistic director for Corridor a performance company that she actually set up, who create site specific installations with different groups of people and other artists within buildings of interest.

The website is a little bare but gives you some skeletal information on what she stands for and a couple of her projects, along with up and coming ones. The bed in the picture above was the piece that caught my eye and encouraged me to look more into her work. This was just one part of a huge installation based in Belsay hall where, different parts of the house were transformed into a window into the buildings past. The website sort of makes out that she was the main creative output but on another website there is quite a sizable list of names including Vicktor & Rolf, Hew Locke and Francesca Steele.
Friday, 4 July 2008
Blinding inspiration
Sleeping in my brothers old room (which is now mine) is a really tough thing to do when it hits 6am the sun beats through the blinds and in turn blinds me...or really just forces me to wake up. Seeing as i woke up so early i decided to make use of my time and clear out my laptop of music i never listen too, photographs i never look at and films i never watch which has taken most of this morning to do and i havn't even finished! There was allot of change everywhere i looked not just in my style but in the things i had collected and valued enough to save it onto my laptop. Yesterday i didn't get out of bed until 1pm so it kind of figures that i would wake up so early.
Im getting restless now, being back in Milton Keynes always makes me feel like this, but when i think about it i only have 2-3 weeks left here and even less if i decide to go to London to catch up with some kids from the Art school. To quell this feeling along with organising my laptop im starting a research file on designers to use in my course later on, picking from a list of designers names i have been slowly building up over the past year. I will post every day about a designer from my list, my views and why i noted there name down.

There aim to generate creations of "opulent sensual darkness" creates some pretty bizarre and forward thinking furniture/lighting/objects that at the same time are alluringly beautiful, For some of the pieces i am left wondering what the process is behind them and that can only be a good thing. If there popularity and exhibition history is anything to go on then i have a feeling that i am not alone in my thoughts.
I close this post by informing you that im going to dress up like this kid and run around disposing of vicious alien villains.

Wednesday, 2 July 2008
July and im home for some time
Being back home for an extended amount of time is a really strange and to be honest un-comfortable experience, I had my freedom and here it is severely compromised. I feel constantly under my parents feet and the only thing i can do to try not to annoy them is to keep out of their way and confine myself to my room. One great thing to come out of no Internet is that i have been forced to read/draw/paint to pass the time and have been getting into a book called 'The architecture of happiness - the secret art of furnishing your life' by Alain de Botton. Its quite a tough read but very interesting none the less, it talks allot about the psychology of design which has always interested me and how we can create buildings in different ways which can affect us subconsciously. Its changed my view on the practice of architecture and my role within it and at the same time deepened my dislike for certain factions of modernism (i.e. Le Corbusier).
Apart from that book ive been reading some on Impressionism and realism in the 20th century and decided to buy another book by one of my favourite authors Haruki Murakami its called 'The wild sheep chase' ive only read the first few pages but im hooked all ready such is the power of Murakami. Im sure i will have finished reading it by next week depending on how i spread my time about. The great thing about having free time and no particular thing to do is ideas seem to flood to me...i have 3 ideas for installation pieces, 3 photography projects, 2 art pieces, various clothes and pieces of furniture. I HAVE TO DO THEM. Someone please force me to make something this summer otherwise i will be really depressed at having wasted so much valuable time.
China looks like it will have to wait till next year now because of money issues and i missed the deadline for application, but instead my parents suggested a trip to Canada to visit my relatives, and i jumped at the opportunity. Apart from not seeing my Canadian family for over 6 years i have really missed the place too, the fresh air and beautiful scenery is inspiring to say the least so im pretty pumped about the trip i even get to meet my cousins wife/husband/child (i have more than one cousin out there just to clear that up.

Monday, 2 June 2008
Sketch frenzy

I like the way the scanner has processed this drawing, looks like the lamppost is switched on. Yesterday evening me and Sam sat and 'made art' (as zephyr put it) furiously and obsessively we were in the sketchbook/painting zone its so good to not have a sketchbook to do for a project and, instead, to have one for fun and to prove to myself that i can be creative for the sake of being creative.
Tommorow i get my grade back for first year not really sure how they will be grading it. Maybe just Pass/fail or i guess it could be like the H&C grades but im sure that i have at least passed this year that is certain. It would be nice to get say a B but to be honest i think i would be happy with anything considering how i felt the first two terms of this year have gone especially because i wasn't happy with alot of the work that i produced.
I just found out about a trip that the GSA emailed me explaining some of the details. Basically its a three week trip to china to learn mandarin which is exactly what i had been looking for...i hope i can get this because its all paid for and the only other way i would be able to travel would be to get an overdraft and get into some risky debt which im not too comfortable about.
Saturday, 31 May 2008
New blogs

This image is a representation of the office that i had designed in its final position. I thought for a long time about where to put my first i thought somewhere like The botanic gardens or Kelvingrove Park but decided that they were too obvious. Being obvious is one of the things that i really tried to avoid whilst thinking up concepts for this design but in the presentation to Drew and Patrick i felt like i was being criticised for being to vaugue. In particular the cut away sections in the office cell and the bathroom, drew likened it to pee stained walls...oh dear.
In the end i decided that the best place to put the Office was on a disused plot of land just behind a recycling plant. I suggested that the plot could be planted with flowers that bees are attracted too that way both areas of the design will have been covered.
Friday, 30 May 2008
Tidy and inspire
Why does my room seem messy still even after i cleaned it? I guess the room itself doesn't have a very 'clean' vibe at all just because its student halls! I can't wait to move into the other flat....not long to go now! Me, Heather and Maeve decided on who has what room recently so im just thinking now about how to decorate far im thinking the colours Grey, White and Green. so i'll have to start looking out for things to put into my room...a branch for sure....hmm
Today i was reflecting on some designers that i researched for my project and one in particular captured my imagination from the start and that is work by designer Gareth Neal. His work looks at positive and negative space and the exploration of organic forms. Out of all of his pieces i found his Block 2: Side table interested me the most and his concept spaces are great too.

Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Grades and birthday celebrations
For my presentation i got an A4 grade, which really surprised me...its the first A grade i have got through the entirety of my education and makes its seems that i really have decided to come to the right place? Something must be making me work hard enough to get that grade, i feel even more so now that im in the right place.For my essay i was given a B2 which im really happy about especially because i thought it was terrible, i just wish i could of looked at a few more sources.
For each piece of H&C work you get a feedback sheet and from what i can tell it looks like im making the same sort of 'mistakes' in whatever i write. Bruce wrote "There are some places where the insertion of a few more well chosen words would have made a big difference to the clarity of your arguments" being specific and precise for me when im writing is something i guess i will just have to work on...although im not sure how to practice this.
As well as getting my H&C grades back today it was the birthday of my friend Amelia she is turned 19 (i feel a little too old) so to celebrate her flatmates made her a fishy breakfast, as part of tradition, and i came over straight after my feedback session to give her my present/card and wish her well. We continued the celebrations by having lunch at the wee Curry shop needless to say it was delicious! and cheap too. Afterwards we waited around for a while then went to the Glasgow Film Theater to see Caramel.
The photography in this film was amazing, and worth seeing for that alone. But if your one for fast moving storyline and action scenes i don't think that you would enjoy it. Id love to take some pictures from scenes in this film!
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
Work is finish
The meeting that i was talking about in my last post went ok although i can't help feeling like the tutor brushed me off a little bit as i was the last person to present my work one tutor condensed the evaluation of my work down into one word 'Hexagon'. Personally i thought that the mid term review was very un-helpful but maybe i just didn't understand what she was trying to get at, also the fact that the Interiors tutor wasn't even in our review kind of annoyed me. Just recently i had my final review with the head of interior design, i don't think that went very well either.
I don't know what it is but every time i have a review i lose my vocabulary and i can't describe very well why i did certain things in my design. This didn't help very much when i tried to defend why i decided to put vertical recycled plastic board cladding on the majority of the walls inside my portable office. I put my defenses up and suggested that 'it was essential to the design concept and that it was inspired by the construction of a beehive' but after i knew i could of worded it better adding something like 'i didn't want the inside to be a complete carbon copy of the outside, there needed to be some kind of change in finish to communicate the change of atmosphere. Submergence in a recycled material with an emphasis on height and 'natural' materials'. If only i could say those things on the spot...
Anyway, today with the handing in of my design concept sketchbook, i have no more work to do and only feedback sessions to attend so technically i have 4 months of free time to do what i like with me moving back to Glasgow from Milton Keynes Mid-late August. I really wanted to get a picture of my work on the wall for the future (and for this blog) but i wasn't allowed into the studio because of the assessments so i (and you) will have to wait until next week when i get my grade.
Thursday, 8 May 2008
When i was doing some research on designers and artists that i feel could influence the final design of my office i came across an artist called Dan McCarthy who, although he has absolutely no relevance to my project, captured my imagination immediately. Id actually seen some of his work before but i can't exactly remember where from maybe through the days when i used to sit on deviant art for hours and trawl through art works so its great to find the images again.

His work seems to speak to me in some way, maybe because of my morbid fascination couple with that of anatomy and the child hood interest of dinosaurs! For the first time i have considered investing...well purchasing a print of his not only because i feel that its completely out of my imitation range but i think to have a print bought from him would be really fulfilling.
There isn't anything about him on his Website only a huge selection of his prints, paintings, drawings and clothing. $47 for a 25"x19" print...i am sooooo tempted.
Saturday, 3 May 2008
celebration and concentration
Work on my project has jumped forward in leaps and bounds over the past week or so and considering i have a presentation soon based on the work that i am doing at the moment that can be nothing but a good thing. I had a slump a couple of days ago when i was sat staring into a floor plan, the realisation that this scenario would happen for the rest of my life (staring into floorplans and considering space planning etc) and it scared me a little bit.
I had a small gathering at my flat to celebrate mine and Maeves Birthday and it was a great success and turned out to be Horrific. I enjoyed everyones costumes to the maximum but the mess the next morning was a little terrorfying in itself. I got some interesting presents from my friends including, incense, a snail shell, books from a book fair and some nice chopsticks.
The best present though had to be having fun with my friends (even if there were a few certain someones missing from the group) so...yeah that was soppy but its true!
The H&C presentation went fine, i was terribly nervous but i managed to calm myself by concentrating as hard as possible on the people that went before me. Things like listening to there tone, speed of speech and the actual substance of the presentation helped to center me so when it came to my turn i somehow did the whole talk without stuttering or messing up what i wanted to say...even if it did feel like my voice was being stolen away from me at the beginning. The Lecturer commented on how well paced my presentation was, well pronounced and something else. I was a little too high on adrenaline to take it all in if im honest! I won't say that im looking forward to the next presentation...but im certainly prepared for it.
NOTE- I made this draft on the night of the party!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Birthday treats
Although im not sure how to feel about it because i am turning 20 and exiting my teenage years, im not sure because i don't really regret getting older just the fact that im getting closer and closer to 'Real life' which seems a little scary. As well as it being my birthday its also an important day in regards to university as i have an important presentation today for H&C.
H&C is the contextual part of my studies at university and is mostly about the history of art and design and how it effects us still to this day. For the presentation everyone was given an artist or designer and asked to put together a 5 minuite talk on a piece of text and two images that were provided for us. For my talk i was given the textiles designer Bernat Klein who i actually didn't know anything about before hand..and to be honest i hadn't even heard his name before im not sure if i have researched enough for my presentation but its to late now.
Sorry for such a short post but i have to go now to do the presentation!
Saturday, 26 April 2008
Working like a coal miner
One of the hardest parts of the course at the moment is getting hold of the course tutor to ask him his opinion on what i am doing in this project, so even though the other tutors will help us, i could be veering dangerously off point. Is this a part of university that i havn't taken in? In regards to 'Self study' that is?

My research sketchbook is starting to take shape, at the moment im looking at various architecture and interiors to get some inspiration. Mount Fuji Architects created an interesting house exterior with the use of a punched stainless steel cover, i think this kind of 'punched' material could be used in my design, either through window covers or maybe room dividers. Anyway what you see above is an excerpt from that sketchbook, the drawing was just a little idea about the exterior of the box...although as i have already said im not sure if we are allowed to change the shape of the container that much. Id love to find a way to create an interesting shape whilst allowing more light into the container itself...and im sure i will come to a good conclusion after some more sketch booking.
Next week i am hoping to have both model making and Vectorworks tutorials but again the tutor hasn't been in for me to check.