My room rarely stays that tidy when i get into a project, i don't really see the need to put everything away that im working with and so it tends to descend into chaos quite quickly. Anyway the main reason for me to tidy my room is because im going back to my home town, Milton Keynes, for 1 week starting today (well the travel anyway) and i allways like to come back to a tidy room so that i can jump straight back into work or whatever i want to do without the stress of mess.
That picture above was actually taken at the beginning of university, now i seemed to have procured a ton of DVDs/magazines and have a calender that my grandparents sent to me stuck on my wall next to the mirror. The basic layout is the same though, and no doubt i will probably bring back more things to fill up those shelves this time around!
At 2pm i have a flat viewing along Argyle street im hoping that it will be really nice. I promise to take some pictures and post them up here tomorrow, so long as it doesn't infringe on any kind of law that the estate agents might have....ill have to ask them just to make sure! Then i will have to go into town to buy a magazine for the coach. Im thinking something like ID or Dazed and Confused, maybe the new issue of Elle decoration will be out. After that i have to pack and i might be going to see a film called 'The Orphanage' (made by the same director of Pans labyrinth) and finally i catch the coach at 10:30pm! Just writing it is making me feel tired.
The first project we had to do this term was to make 49 drawings of an object that we had picked for us out of a hat. I got this strange funnel (from ikea i think) and some other people got things like a brush, a dog toy and a peg? At first i was really angry with my object but quickly realised that i had been quite lucky.

After creating 49 drawings we had to put them all together and arrange them in a way that all of the drawings could communicate with each other.

Not sure i like the finished piece but ah well what can you do? Apart from try harder next time.
A spam comment. I wonder how many of them i will get if/when this blog gets more popular?
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