It was strange stepping back 6 months and speaking to the people who over the summer i spent 40 hours a week with, i was really happy to see Rachael and Vanessa again we always had interesting conversations and i respected how hard they always worked. I wasn't really sure what to say to them about my time at university so far only that "Its going great, im really enjoying myself, im so excited to specialise" and then some other things about flats etc.

The store itself had a ton of new products the photos above are a couple of my favourites, the Ghost like ceramic is meant to be an outdoor accessory and is called 'Winks'. The other is of some wallpaper designed by Matthew Williamson for habitats VIP range i really like the colours in this, very Neo Baroque but i can't seem to track down a photo, DARN.
We then went to ikea, i like walking around the areas where they have room sets built to inspire customers to buy sets of items together or just small things just to finish off the room they are trying to furnish. But there was one room set that i didn't think quite worked.
My Dad modelled the room for me, as per request, and i think his expression sums up the feeling that i got from it 'what the hell?'. I think whoever designed this room set was trying to bring together elements with similar colours to create harmony, they tried to use 4 main ones (Red, Blue, white and brown) but in completely the wrong way. The result is untidy, uncomfortable and disjointed. If i was going to try and fix this room i would take out one colour which would probably be the red and just stick to 3. Id change the curtains and simplify, creating a clutter free and calming dining space. I can understand if they had to show some particular products but surely they could be placed in another room set?
In the end i bought, 2 pestle and mortars (without the pestles) for 30p each and an ice lolly maker. We then went to B&Q to get some handles for the record cabinet im going to fix up and some spanners for dad then came home. We got home at exactly the right time because the weather turned and it began to hail, so much so it looked like the grass outside was alive with tiny jumping white bugs and the decking turned white with ice.
Some other news, i was lucky enough to receive the Rosemary Lucas Scholarship for Interior Design last term which came to me as a huge surprise! Seeing as student services took a while to reply to my application. And i have recently received an E-mail from student services asking if i would be available to Meet the donor of said scholarship on the 8th of April. Of course i accepted but i can't help feeling a little nervous about meeting the person that has ultimately helped to keep me at the GSA. I know that she studied at the GSA a few years ago so i think it will be very interesting to meet her, i want to know what she has been doing with her life since then. I shall have to wait and see.
1 comment:
I'm loving this blog more everyday! It really is wonderful. I'm so pleased to know it's here.
Tonight I attended a lecture at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The speaker discussed the work of Gerhard Richter and Neo Rauch, two of my favorite German painters. The lecture was informative and insightful...gave me much to think about in terms of my own work.
We'll talk soon.
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