Thursday, 5 July 2007


For the last few months at college i have been working towards completing the Final project that we have been given. This FMP (Final Major Project) will go towards a large portion of my final grade that i get from completing this course, im not very fussy about what grades i get but i need to get at least Pass, Pass, Pass so that i can complete the course and NOT come out with a Partial Achievement.

Anyway i decided to base my FMP on a form of photography known as Lomography, the history of which can be found in detail Here along with the 10 rules of LomoGraphy:

  1. Take your camera everywhere you go
  2. Use it any time day and night
  3. Lomography is not an interferance on your life but part of it
  4. Try the shot from the hip
  5. Approach the objects of your lomographic desire as close as possibleBe Fast
  6. Don't think
  7. Be fast
  8. You don't have to know Beforehand what you have captured on film
  9. Afterwoulds either
  10. Don't worry about any rules

For this project i baught a Holga 120 CFN with book, CHECK IT, which i really enjoy working with and took alot of pictures...which i will pick and choose a few to show you when the exhbition is over, for now here is a picture of the exhibition itself~

I Don't really like the final product but i do like the idea behind the picture wires/inspiration wires which i think i will be re-using when i go to university to hold my various clippings and interesting finds.


Sophie said...

ke this wire idea too. did you come up with it? its neat!

Sophie said...

sorry, i think i meant to say i also like this wire idea...