Friday, 13 July 2007

Inspiration 002

Alot of my inspirations will be designers and artists that i have researched for past projects during my time taking the course at Milton Keynes college. For one of these projects i had to create a Magazine Consisting of 3 Articles (1200 words) based on Cultural, Historical, Contemporary Designer/s and 3 Reviews (Magazine, Exhibition and Book). We had to do 2 of these magazines and for the latest one i didn't do much work as far as presentation is concerned but i did write an article on one particular designer whos work i thought was very interesting!

Stuart Haygarth

His designs are really origional and i love the way he catalogs things he finds and arranges them in a way that can be interpreted in a range of different ways. One particular theme carries on popping up and that is the 'Throw away culture' that we all live in at the moment, this i can really respect. I love the way he can take a simple plain object and turn it into something that alot of people would desireprooving that one mans trash is another mans treasure!

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