Thursday, 6 September 2007

Progress and damnation

I have been awol too long long, since my last past (which has been a very very long time) i started to work full time at my weekend job, Habitat, which lasted for what seemed to be forever and left me feeling terribly....uninspired. My creativity was literally sucked right out of me and it has only been with the discovery of Core 77's Hack2school that i have felt inspired enough to pick up this blog and continue todocument my soon to be student life! So thankyou Core77, you have been a big help (and im sure once i have explored your juicy juicy links you will help me much much more).

So what has happened other than full time work at Habitat?

Short answer-Lots
Long answer- Ive some how become some kind of brilliant organised 'independant' person. Seriously over the past few weeks i have organised accomodation (which i will come to later), Bank accounts, Paypal accounts, Budget, Provisional Driving license, Tax, Uni (conditional offer - Unconditional) etc etc. I have to admit it has been a massive stretch for me but it has been a very big eye opener to the real world....and i don't think it could of come at a better time. Saying this i do have a few things left to do including sorting out a passport which i am dreading.

And over the past few days i have managed to pack everything i value highly, be it sentimental or not, into 4 suitcases and one huge rucksack! haha....does that sound a little excessive? Tommorow i move to Glasgow, i am very very excited but also nervous. What will my room mates think of me? Ill have to wait and see i guess!